You can find below all aspects of the Myddelton College Preparatory School curriculum.
You can find below all aspects of the Myddelton College Preparatory School curriculum.
Our students receive a broad and balanced curriculum and in addition to the core subjects, we offer a wide variety of humanity subjects, languages, computing, music, drama, lab skills and sport. We also have specialist teachers who deliver Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE) and mindfulness which is embedded into the curriculum.
We are passionate about delivering a STEM curriculum and offer students the opportunity to achieve the CREST Award as well as the opportunities to take part in National Enterprise Competitions.
With small class sizes, students benefit from a high teacher: student ratio and receive a personalised education. All students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life. Your child will find lessons interesting and stimulating with field trips and memorable visits that will bring their studies to life.
Every fortnight, students receive a session in Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE). During these sessions, students gain a diverse range of experiences that will benefit them physically and socially as well as developing the discipline and leadership skills needed to be successful in the future, be it in further education or employment. The college has many athletes that compete in national teams including triathlon, swimming, gymnastics, horse riding, sailing, climbing and ice skating among others.
At Myddelton Preparatory School, students receive mindfulness sessions by teachers trained by MISP (Mindfulness in Schools Project.)
The Paws B curriculum is child-friendly and the students absolutely love it. They look forward to their lessons each week when they are allowed to wear their slippers! It is a special time in their busy schedule where they are able to just ‘be’ and enjoy the present moment. This curriculum helps our students to deal with the pressures of life in the 21st century as well as improving concentration, memory, behavioural self- management and relationships with family and friends.
In addition to our mindfulness sessions, students are also invited to attend ‘Calm Café’ after school where they can enjoy mindful activities and guided meditation to help them to enjoy the ‘here and now’. By doing this we enable our pupils to experience greater well-being, fulfil their potential, improve concentration and focus on their learning.
Each student has their own device and all lessons are available through Microsoft Office 365. Individual targets are set online and accessible to both students and parents. Several teachers at Myddelton College are recognised by Microsoft as MIEEs (Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts.)
Students gain a unique cultural experience at Myddelton Preparatory School and celebrate a range of different festivals throughout the year such as the Hindu Holi Festival. We have strong links with the community and participate in local events with organisations such as the Denbigh Midsummer Festival and Denbigh in Bloom. We host a number of academic events at Myddelton Preparatory School for young people in the local area to compete in and enjoy.
We fully encourage the integration of the Preparatory School into Myddelton College through the use of our House System. Students are assigned to Houses when they begin their journey at Myddelton College and will take part in many activities in their Houses throughout each year. This helps our students to integrate not only with their peers but also members of the whole school. However, each student will register with their class teacher and the teachers will be responsible for the pastoral and academic support and communication with parents. The Senior School students act as pastoral supports and there is an ensure that the Preparatory School is not treated as a unique entity to ensure that the transition into Senior School and the whole school ethos is outstanding.