Microsoft Showcase School

Myddelton College is a Microsoft Global Showcase school and member of the exclusive EdTech50 group. Each student at Myddelton College has their own personal tablet device for learning.

Microsoft Showcase Schools are renowned for their excellence in demonstrating student outcomes resulting from commitment to educational transformation. Myddelton College provides both inspiration and an opportunity for all community members to see and experience the future of digital transformation in education. We are part of an exclusive community from around the world recognised and celebrated for vision and innovation in teaching, learning and assessment, computational and critical thinking, creativity and collaboration and a willingness to promote a growth mind-set amongst educators and students.

As a Showcase School, Myddelton College works closely with Microsoft to lead innovation in educational transformation and communicate an education transformation vision, enabled by technology, through our commitment to host and mentor other schools in the local community and around the globe.

Microsoft Teaching and learning at Myddelton College is underpinned by the 21st century learning skills valued by employers. These skills of collaboration, skilled communication, knowledge construction, self-regulation, real-world problem solving and use of ICT for learning are embedded into the curriculum at the classroom level and supported by the education transformation framework at the whole College level for the benefit of all current and future students.

All our lessons are delivered through Microsoft OneNote and Teams which provides parents and students with access to lessons from anywhere in the world at any time. This means our students receive personalised feedback from their teachers in real time. Students’ work is then differentiated to help them improve on their own targets, ensuring the work provided is both challenging and accessible to every pupil.

Many of our staff have been recognised for their exceptional abilities to teach in innovative ways using technology. They have been singled out by Microsoft as MIEEs (Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts) ensuring that our staff and students are at the cutting edge of classroom learning. We guarantee that students are well versed in modern technology and are prepared for the modern workplace.

Microsoft Showcase Schools are shining examples of those applying purpose driven innovation in a variety of ways to build connections and motivate students and to create community in and out of school. These schools are truly transforming learning and providing more personalised education to students, empowering them to achieve more.

Anthony Salcito, Vice President, Worldwide Education

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